Join King's Chapel on Sunday, November 1 for All Saints and All Souls Sunday
Every year the King's Chapel service for All Saints and All SoulsSunday is a meaningful worship service for those remembering a loved one who has died, either this year or in the past. Traditionally, worshippers have come forward to the Communion Table to light a candle in memory of the ones who have "gone on before us" to be with God.
This year, because King's Chapel will not be physically open, we are offering two different services virtually so you can choose the most meaningful way for your remembrance:
Special Morning Light Service, Live on Zoom Sunday, November 1 from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
For those who wish to light a candle from home and personally name the loved one being remembered, we invite you to attend our live service from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM via Zoom. Our virtual Morning Light service is a small, inclusive gathering that weekly supports each other with prayer, scripture, and song. A Celtic prayer welcomes us, a brief homily is heard, and the gospel songs are sung. Following the service we will hold a virtual coffee hour for those in attendance. Contact Laura Zeugner, Administrative Assistant, for login information.
Morning Prayer Worship Video with Holy Communion
Our special Morning Prayer Worship video for All Saints and All Souls Sunday will highlight Music Director Heinrich Christensen and the King's Chapel choir's performance of selections from the Faure Requiem. The worship video will also feature our clergy lighting candles inside our beautiful sanctuary, offering the names of those shared with them in advance of the service. Additionally, Holy Communion will be celebrated virtually, according to the King's Chapel Prayerbook.
This All Saints and All Souls Sunday worship video will be posted on the King's Chapelwebsite, YouTube, andFacebook the morning of November 1.
All Saints & Alls Souls Coffee Hour Sunday, November 1 from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
We hope these virtual options will be meaningful and suggest you choose the one with which you’re most comfortable or which best fits your schedule.
"You are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God." Ephesians 2: 19, King's Chapel Prayer Book p. 210