A Book of One's Own: King's Chapel and the Book of Common Prayer
The Book of Common Prayer - central to the theological and social history of King’s Chapel - is also one of the few, unique objects that connects members of King’s Chapel both past and present. Historically, congregants acquired their own copies of the prayerbook, often inscribing their names inside and passing them down from generation to generation. For many, owning one’s own King’s Chapel prayerbook is a tradition that even continues today.
A Book of One’s Ownis a new King’s Chapel History Program online exhibit that will explore the historic tradition of the King’s Chapel’s special version of the Book of Common Prayer. Viewers will learn about the historical significance of the prayerbook and what the prayerbook tells us about the lives of historic congregants who owned one.
A soft opening of the exhibit will go live on Thursday, September 17th at noon. Join us at 5:30 pm for an official "tour" of the exhibit, presented by the King's Chapel History Program!