On one of the fly leaves of this prayer book has an inscription written by 19th century King’s Chapel minister Reverend Henry Wilder Foote, I in 1867:
This book was given to Rev. Dr. Greenwood many years ago, by the Wardens of the Church; and was given to me by Mrs. Greenwood, Jan 12, 1867. Henry W. Foote. |
We find more clues on another page, written by Reverend Foote’s son, Henry Wilder Foote II:
This book was given to King’s Chapel in 1760 by Thomas Lechmere, for many years a warden of the Chapel and “Surveyor-General of his majesty’s customs for the northern district of America.” [see Annals of King’s Chapel, vol I 235, II 187.] After the Revolution it was no longer used, and was eventually given by the Wardens to Dr. Greenwood, and by his widow to Henry Wilder Foote, I, [see note on the third fly leaf] H.W. F. II, to whom it descended, offered in 1915 to return it to the chapel, but the offer was declined, the chapel owning other and more valuable pre-Revolutionary prayer-books. H.W.F.II After over a century, Thomas Lechmere’s prayer book finally returned to King’s Chapel in 1926 and has been safely kept in the Parish House archives since.