Come join us as we gather together in thanksgiving for God’s many blessings even as we’ve journeyed through this difficult year. As we look back over a time of challenge, we take this moment to remember with gratitude the ways God has sustained us and been present in and with our community of faith.
Thanksgiving Sunday Morning Light Service Sunday, November 22 | 9:00 AM | Zoom Join us live via Zoom for our Morning Light service of prayer and song. Skip Lewan, our Morning Light musician, will play for us on the keyboard and lead us in song as we pray together and abide with one another on Thanksgiving Sunday. To attend this live service, please email Laura for the Zoom link.
Thanksgiving Sunday Morning Prayer Service Sunday, November 22 | Worship Video Our filmed Morning Prayer service will feature the traditional prayerbook elements, with Joy and David presiding and our members and friends leading us in prayer and reading the lesson for the day. Heinrich and our choir will lead us in song.
Our Thanksgiving Sunday Morning Prayer worship video will be posted on our homepage and on YouTube the morning of Sunday, November 22.
Thanksgiving Day Service Thursday, November 26 | 10:00 AM | Zoom Come join us on Thursday, November 26, at 10 AM via Zoom for our Thanksgiving service. Soloist Jaya Lakshminarayanan will join Music Director Heinrich Christensen and Minister for Education and Membership David Waters as they lead us in a virtual prayerbook service featuring our traditional prayers and music. As we conclude a difficult year and begin the holiday season, join us as we reflect on our blessings and pray for our community.
All are welcome to attend this live service by registering below to access the Zoom link.
Collect: O almighty and everlasting God, who crownest the year with thy goodness, and has given unto use the fruits of the earth in their season, give us also grateful hearts, that we may unfeignedly thank thee for all thy lovingkindness, and worthily magnify thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. King's Chapel Prayerbook, page 216.